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Wk 11 - AOTW : Eva and Franco Mattes

Background :

Eva and Franco Mattes were both born in Italy in the year 1976. They are a brilliant duo of artists based in New York City. They live in New York and have been together ever since they first met. The pair produces art that involves ethical and political issues regarding the Internet. Their work explores the situations where fact and fiction are blended. Eva and Franco are committed to providing their audience members with a memorable and impacting experience. The Mattes’ seek to include an element of darkness in the world of online media.  

Content Analysis :

Their work includes lots of outside shots, you see outside views of the picture. If someone is doing a photoshoot, the picture is the whole background too, behind the scenes type. They have lots of enviromental types, they focus on backgrounds and they contain people and animals sometimes. Some contain weird statues and have people within it. They have the cats and other out views of the people. The pictures are full of simplicity and are less complex than other pictures, it seems to have deeper meanings with more simplicity.

Formal Analysis : 

They explore controversial topics that often force the two to face legal issues. They challenge "power structures", especially in the art world, and seek to expose the negative impact of technology in modern society. Eva and Franco Mattes have a method to their madness. They aim to challenge common concepts, such as plagiarism, the act of hacking, and "culture-jamming". The pair have been successful in producing countless spontaneous, large performances, where they have had staged art and included chosen members of an audience. 

My Experience / Synthesis : 

I like some of their work, it's very simple in my eyes. They have an interesting site name and they seem to be very involved in the internet world. They are very simple and don't like the complex works so they are more aesthetically pleasing. They seem to be very interested in the internet world and the darker themes that seem to be attached to it, they focus on political and emotional after effects of these internet usages and how it effects us as humans. I like the type of view they are coming from, it seems we have a same interest in the internet world, so it is so cool to see another artist with the same passions. 

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