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AOTW Wk3 - Revok

About the Artist


In 1977, Jason Williams was born in Riverside, CA. He soon become known as Revok as his art become more famous at the age 13 when he started his work. Revok first became interested in art because his father’s collection of 60's and 70's album covers and comic books along with skateboarding and graffiti scenes. For over two decades,Years later, Revok began making studio work in hopes of enhancing his abilities he learned in the streets growing up. He eventually got his work shown in the Contemporary Art in LA and Pasadena. He has a history of being arrested, having to spend over 100K in funds for bail in exchange for not paying his graffiti fines beforehand. He eventually had a daughter later, turning his life around while in financial struggles. Soon he turned to trash art, making art out of trash while working in the studio rather than the streets.

Formal Analysis


I noticed in Revok's work, he uses lots of vibrant colors and bright eye-catching ideas. There is bright yellow in almost all of his work, I noticed that he uses lighter colors more than dark colors. Being a graffiti art, he does all his work on walls, on all his famous works they are on a wall somewhere in the public. Some pieces also include himself in the picture, maybe to make a statement of some sort including himself in certain pieces. Also in some pieces he writes his name in it, maybe also hiding another piece of symbolism somewhere within his work. So overall, his work is always on a wall, it has bright colors to catch the eye, he is sometimes in the pictures, and includes his name on the wall sometimes.

Content Anaylsis


Revok explores the concept of human experiences using materials from his urban setting. Becoming so passionate he got in trouble with the law, turning to new kinds of expression in his work. Revok's work soon was composed of items from his immediate surrounding in his trash art. This may be about his current environment and lifestyle, how he grew up and what he is surrounded by in his life. It could also represent the quality of his life and what he is going through, using what items are around him, they must mean something to him in a way, so it is a way he creates symbolism now in his work by using items around him and in his environment. It could also pertain to his struggles and his daughter, maybe his work referring to his daughter that caused him to turn his life around.

Synthesis/My Experience


Overall I really like this work by him. It has such bright colors and it is very appealing to the eye which I really like. It has lots of different themes and ideas I really enjoy, something that is bright and colorful matching someone as me who is bright and bubbly all the time. I think it's very nice and I would see myself owning these pieces of work, it seems like my taste and something I can own and keep with me. That means a lot cause I am very picky about art and I really really like this piece, it is something that really speaks to me overall and I think it's beautiful in it's own way.

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